• (+51) 942 944 390
  • contactenos@seinmel.com.pe
  • (+51) 942 944 390
  • contactenos@seinmel.com.pe



Our Commitment identifies us

+ Integrity: Our personal and professional activities must be reliable and based on ethics and transparency.

+ Customer Orientation: We are focused on satisfying the needs of our clients, providing them with proactive solutions and giving them efficient and timely attention.


We are a Peruvian company incorporated in Pisco that provides integral solutions in the industrial electrical field.


Be recognized as a company that provides the best integral solutions in the industrial electrical field in Peru.

Human Talent


We currently have professionals from different specialties.
Identifying themselves with quality and safety certifications.

Employment Reference

Success Stories
Company: Machupicchu Foods S.A.C.
Position: Head of Maintenance.
Mobile: 966 396 006
Eng. Joel Paniagua Tasayco
Company: Wood Group Perú S.A.C.
Position: Project Coordinator.
Mobile: 956 469 444
Eng. Henry Valverde
Company: Ingeniería de Construcción Civil y Electromecánica S.A.C.
Position: Project Coordinator.
Mobile: 975 466 648
Eng. Luis Aquije Zurca
Company: Bechtel Minnig & Metals.
Position: Electrical Superintendent.
Mobile: 986 699 855
Eng. Edward Zegarra Huamán
Company: ELEGAMA S.A.C.
Position: Technical Manager.
Mobile: 957 548 798
Eng. Germán Machuca
Company: Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A.
Position: Head of Engineering.
Eng. Eduardo Villena Córdova